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Hi, I am Marianne, I am a Shamanic Sex Magic Practitioner, a Psychologist, a Sacred Sex, Love & Relationship Coach, an Energetic Healer, Space Holder, a Mother and a Baddass Business Woman.
Why would you want to work with me?
I not only know how to guide you to where you want to be, but I also have lived through the same pain as you. I have suffered an episiotomy when giving birth to my son, it took me from being a sexual active being into a frozen, disconnected, numb, frustrated, angry depressed and tired woman. Up to the point where I so deeply felt… "This… no more! It’s enough! I want to feel free, alive, joyful, playful and turned on again! And I am going to do whatever it takes to get back there!"
And I did!
Not only did I get back there, I actually got to a place where I feel even more bliss, turn-on and pleasure then I have ever felt in my life before!
I got to experience how living a free and turned on life is key to feeling empowered, confident and be connected to the Divine. And how my turn-on is actually powerfully influencing every area of my life.
Whenever I feel turned on and filled up with pleasure, my business blossoms, I earn more money, my relationship is thriving and my connection to my little boy is vibrantly joyous.
Literally life is thriving when I am living from my turn on!
And I want to share that with you!
I have received multiple Shamanic initiations as a child. These initiations unleashed a natural shamanic power within me. A divine channel of source energy. The energy of God(dess)/source/mother nature works through me. This deep energy and intuition shows up in my sessions so that I fully connect to what each of my client’s needs is, that way the sessions and home practices are completely TAILORED to YOU!!
A uniquely customized premium immersion program that is super powerful, healing and fun all at the same time!
Choose the journey you need
"I have learned to feel my body and trust that feeling. Instead of losing myself in thoughts. I noticed that my body has a voice too and I hear it now! I have accessed the power and energy in my womb space and it’s the gentlest and lovingly soft powerful energy I’ve ever felt. I can access my power, connect with my womb and with my heart and drop down into ME. And I really love it, ME! I am now being in control of my own sexuality, pleasure and healing.
This is such a huge act of empowerment!!"
Froukje van der Velde – Netherlands - Cultural anthropologist / Author / Musician
In essence all women are shamans, they are all witches and energetic beings. But most of us have been fully disconnected from our feminine essence through thousands of years of conditioning, patriarchy, witch burnings, slut-shaming, and not being and feel safe in this outer world.
There is so much blaming, shaming, setting women up against each other going on. We are being deeply imprinted not to like our own body and to not trust other women. Even the medical world makes us belief we cannot trust our own body. We have been told to belief our bodies need to work the same as a male body, in how we operate in this world, how to be a woman of equal rights (no emotions, need to fully be in
ON-modus all the time), in our sexuality, while we are actually beings who in essence are aligned with the cycle of the moon and the rhythm of nature and we take time to warm up.
Most of us are feeling frozen in our body, disconnected from our sexuality, numbed out, exhausted, overworked, and completely alienated from who we truly are in our feminine essence!
But right now women from all corners of the world start to wake up and realize they are missing something, they don’t feel complete. It is exactly this wild sexual energetic connection they are missing.
This wild sexual energetic connection is where you are in alignment with your intuition, your instincts, your power, your life force energy, and the energy that connects you with mother earth and the divine. This is the place where you are a powerful life creating being…. And with life creating being I not only just mean the being that create babies, but more so the creator of your own life, of ideas, projects, desires, wishes.
For when you are deeply connected to your own true essence, your wild instinctive nature as a woman, you are then the powerful badass queen that you are longing to be.
That woman who knows who she is. That woman who knows what she wants, That woman who knows how to create the life she wants to live.
I guide women back into their power, restore their connection to their wild essence, create a union with mother earth and the divine. I help bring you back in alignment with your highest vision of who you want to be and experience the high vibe emotions, feelings and energies of that vision.
My work will help you allow yourself to live a turned on and free life. Where you feel completely free and alive sexually and from that place of sexual awakening, allowing these life force energies to flow through your body, filling up your energetic system and bring yourself in connection to source energy so that you know you have a choice. So that you can birth into reality the life you desire to live.
Women have that power!! YOU HAVE THAT POWER!! We have simply forgotten it, or repressed it, because in the past we have been told, shown and made belief that it is not safe to fully own our power.
Now is the time we are ready to embody this power once again, just as we have done thousands of years ago, in the age and time when the goddess was worshiped and sacred sex priestess where holy and sacred. Let me guide you back into your wild expression of yourself, let me bring you HOME!
Come join me! And claim your power & pleasure and unleash your wildness!
" I am deeply committed to empower women to experience deep self love, pleasure and an authentic connection to their sexuality which will allow them to live a free and turned on life."
Marianne van Katwijk
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Why in godsname would you choose to spend money on "vagina therapy"?? Or wear a t-shirt with a big vagina on it??!! (yes that's my other passion designing amazing Yoni Magic shirts, you can find them in the shop section!!)
Well, first of all because it is TIME!! It is time we finally give the yoni/vulva/vagina/pussy/cunt, some real proper validation!! We have been misnaming her, undervalued her, harmed her, tortured her, shamed her, raped her, while in truth she is DIVINE.
She is the portal, the gate way, to the essence of the Universe.
She is the Creatrix.
The bringer of Life and Magic.
We didn't come from his rib, we came from HER VAGINA!
The coaching work I offer is an ancient power, that comes straight from source. It is deep shamanic work grounded in scientific knowledge of the body and mind. It is the ancient feminine healing power that is slowly returning, being restored and spreading on this globe.
This work and those Yoni Magic Shirts are created for ever women who is ready to claim her power, her magic and reconnect to the essence of her vulvolusious YONI.
The TIME IS NOW to bring back Divinity in living form. To restore all the pleasure and turn-on this amazing sacred feminine body part holds.
An awakend cunt becomes a QUEEN!!
Its time PUSSY GRABS BACK, but from a place of being in sacred communion. From a place where its not us agains men. But from a place where we are reconnecting with our own inner essence so deeply, that we feel filled up from the inside out until we overflow, so much so that we are living as the GREAT GODESS embodied.
From this place we know our desires, consent to our boundaries, listen to our bodies, speak our truths, and are no longer afraid of our own power, pleasure, playfulness, joy and turn-on!
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